It would be nice to meet your one special person by having them pick you up out of a cab and carry you over a puddle before putting you on the horse they ride you off into the sunset on, but that’s often not exactly how it goes. And come on; are you really going to write somebody off who you think has potential all because the “how we met” story may be a bit embarrassing down the line? If your friends and family have a sense of humor, then they’ll love the story. Everybody else can go back to the fairytale book they live in—I bet it’s boring there. In a world where we share Ubers with total strangers while we are drunk and are seeing more and more public restrooms becoming gender neutral, it’s possible to meet your someone special in some pretty special circumstances. Here are not-so-classy ways people meet the one.
The post Not-So-Classy Ways People Meet The One appeared first on MadameNoire.